大胆的. 独特的. 圣经.
一个原理方法® -宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县的12基督教学校




✓谁: 1 st-5th成绩

✓时: 5天/周,八月底至六月初

✓位置: Conveniently located just 1 minute from the Mountville exit of Route 30 in Lancaster County, PA



不像兰开斯特地区的许多其他小学, 黎明基督教学院低年级的老师们用英语进行教育 所有的孩子 记住. While others prepare elementary-aged students to simply improve their memorization and test-taking abilities, 黎明教学生 如何 通过呈现给他们的内容进行推理,以达到合乎逻辑的目的, 圣经的结论和应用.



  • 每年级班数: 2
  • 学生与成人比例: 1-3年级:12:1,因为这些年级有课堂助教
  • 放学后: 程序是可用的
  • 为有天赋或有特殊需要的学生提供的项目? 是的. 请查阅我们的 学生支持服务页面 有关详细信息,.
  • 学校保安/安全协议等. 黎明小学的教室明亮、热情、友好. Appropriate security measures are in place to ensure that our families feel confident that their precious children are safe, 被爱,被照顾.
  • 学费: 1-5年级13,384美元
  • 经济援助信息: 可以获得经济援助. 打电话给约翰·里德尔 717-285-2000 有关详细信息,.



A boy and girl lower school student from Dayspring Christian Academy posing for a picture


  • Core subjects include Math, Science, Bible, Language, Literature, Reading, 历史, and Geography
  • 历史 is learned through Ephesians 1:9-10 which concludes: “All human 历史 is culminated in Christ.” We teach students that God is sovereign as He governs in the affairs of men and nations, 因为他看到了过去, 现在, and future—He orchestrates events to accomplish His plan (that all men may know God the Father through Christ the Son.)
  • 与一个 历史的天意观 记住, each grade level focuses on a different point on the timeline of 历史. 它始于创世,包括基督教向西传播的链条. 从摩西和律法到耶稣基督, 从保罗到英语圣经, 从哥伦布到清教徒, 从爱国者队到先锋队, 最后是美国的复兴. Students are taught this to understand the truth of 历史 and for Whom our nation was built.
  • 两个黎明低年级女生一起解决一个班级问题数学: Hybrid Learning is a system that rotates students through three learning stations within the math class to enable personalized learning. 学生通过使用直接指导参与学习过程, which has a small group interacting directly with the teacher for more individualized teaching with each student. 另一站包括协作活动, where students work in a group on real-world problems that relate to the material covered in class. 最后一站是在电脑上进行的自主学习. It helps students to master each step in the problem and give immediate feedback to the teacher to let them know where each student may need further direction. The Hybrid Learning method enables students to have multiple ways of learning a lesson to enable mastery and to meet students’ varied learning styles.
  • 学生开始 西班牙语 在一年级和 拉丁 排在第四.
  • 深入 领域的研究 are taken at every grade level, including a four-day study in Plymouth, MA, for third-grade students. 五年级学生在新泽西州体验了为期两天的海洋生物研究. 现场研究可以查看每个年级的水平在我们的 实地考察页面.
  • Public speaking is an important focus of our curriculum, so students participate in speech meet in 婴幼儿。幼儿园 一直到五年级.
  • 的演说: To develop the ability to re搜索, write, and defend their work, students begin 写作的演说 二年级和三年级的演讲.
  • 阀杆 Director, Mary Stauffer, teaches robotics and computer coding using robots to students in grades K-5. These same classes will also use the Engineering is Elementary program to teach students to solve engineering challenges like designing a container to safely ship live plants to a store, 清理溢油并评估对环境的影响, 设计一条生产薯片的生产线.
  • 查看我们的完整 小学课程目录
  • Art, Music, Physical Education are incorporated into our elementary school schedule
  • 选修活动包括我们每年的低年级音乐剧, 低年级体育诊所, 小学生也有其他的机会. 访问我们的 学生生活页面 了解更多.
  • 平均每班人数为24人. 1年级、2年级和3年级有教师辅助学习.
  • 查看我们的 课程目录和评分表在这里!






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圣经说:“你们来看主的作为。. 66.5). 1-5年级, teachers take students out of the classroom for on-site learning through exciting and rich 领域的研究. First-grade students discover what life was like around our state’s founding at Landis Valley Museum and experience maple syrup-making. Second grade experience life at the Daniel Boone Homestead as they delve into 历史 and explore Indian Echo Caverns as they study geology. Third grade uncovers the Pilgrims’ past as they read about life in Holland and go ice skating, then visit the Plymouth town and plantation discovering 如何 our nation came to be on a 去马萨诸塞州学习5天. 四年级学生通过徒步旅行学习兰开斯特丰富的历史, then they track our founder’s footsteps through a trip to Philadelphia’s Independence Hall and other historical sites. 五年级学习我们国家争取独立的斗争和 我们国歌的含义 在麦克亨利堡. Later, fifth grade will travel to the New Jersey coast to study oceanography on a 2-day trip.


Hybrid Learning is a system that rotates students through three learning stations within the math class to enable personalized learning. 学生通过使用直接指导参与学习过程, which has a small group interacting directly with the teacher for more individualized teaching with each student. 另一站包括协作活动, where students work in a group on real-world problems that relate to the material covered in class. 最后一站是在电脑上进行的自主学习. It helps students to master each step in the problem and give immediate feedback to the teacher to let them know where each student may need further direction. The Hybrid Learning method enables students to have multiple ways of learning a lesson to enable mastery and to meet students varied learning styles.



在黎明, 我们认为每个孩子都是独一无二的个体, 由慈爱的造物主所创造, 并以此为价值. 正是因为这一点,“曙光”创建了P139项目, 以诗篇139:14命名, and designed to teach students at all levels who require alternative or differentiated methods of instruction, 所以他们可能会发挥自己的潜力.

Dayspring’s elementary school classrooms are large, bright, welcoming, and friendly. Appropriate security measures are in place to ensure that our families feel confident that their precious children are safe, 爱, 而且照顾得很好.

点击这里 了解更多

Will my child use the same textbook as government schools or other Christian schools?

Dayspring小学的低年级学生确实使用以技能为导向的课程的教科书, 总的来说, 虽然, 教科书被用作资源工具. Students and teachers alike develop highly specialized notebooks that become the primary teaching-learning tools that enhance internalization of the material. All textbooks are selected with care in alignment with biblical truth and rooted in primary sources.

了解更多有关 黎明来了

The Bible clearly teaches that the responsibility of education belongs to parents, not the State. 箴言说:“敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端。.只有教导我们的孩子神的话语中的真理, will we ensure that they can adequately meet the challenges of a secular world and affect that world dynamically for the cause of Christ.

是的! 参观Dayspring是一个很好的方式来得到你的问题的答案, 了解更多BCK体育注册官网的信息, 认识一下小学的老师和教职员工, 看看我们如何满足您孩子的个性化教育需求.


What is the school year like for elementary school students at Dayspring Christian Academy?
小学每周上课5天,从八月底开始 六月初.
Dayspring’s first, second, and third grade classrooms have an aide to assist the teacher. 这些年级的师生比例是12:1. 四年级和五年级的师生比例是24:1.


我们为您和您的孩子提供私人旅游. 另外, middle and high school students are able to experience a day of school at Dayspring through our visitation program. 打电话给卡罗尔·黑斯廷斯 717-285-2000 或使用下面的按钮注册.

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